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  • Writer's pictureWinter River - Tracadie Bay Watershed Association

2021 WRTBWA Annual General Meeting

Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday May 26th from 7 to 9 pm at the Tracadie Cross Community Centre (located on Station Road - between St. Peter's Road and Donaldston Road). However, if there is a change in public health guidance, we will shift to a Zoom meeting.

Our guest speaker will be Shawn Schofield, who will discuss the “Agriculture and Environment Unit and Their Role in Government.”

Advanced registration is mandatory for all attendees. Call Sarah at 902-314-9293 or email to provide your name, phone number, number of attendees in your group, and an email address. The email address will be used to provide a Zoom meeting link if we need to pivot to a virtual meeting.

Due to public health rules, masks must be worn at all times during the meeting, and therefore snacks will not be provided.

Despite the pandemic changes, we still hope to see many of our residents and supporters at the meeting.

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