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  • Writer's pictureWinter River - Tracadie Bay Watershed Association

2020 Snowshoe Hike

We will be hosting our annual snowshoe event (or hike) on Saturday February 1. Everyone should meet at the parking lot for the Winter River trail at 10am.

After hiking along the Winter River, participants will be invited to the private family cabin of one of our volunteers, where we will warm up with some chili and hot chocolate, along with enjoying some sweet treats.

After leaving the cabin, participants can take the short route back to the parking lot, or feel free to independently explore some other areas of the Winter River trail system.

Dogs are welcome if they are kept on a leash. Children are welcome – no leashes required! For planning purposes, the route we will follow is around 4km. If this is too far for some people, you can start with the group and take a shorter route out (skipping the snacks) and have a total distance of about 2.5km. If needed, ask your trail guide to point out this route when the group reaches the turn off point.

We ask participants to bring their own snowshoes to this event. If snow conditions require snowshoes and you don’t have any, please contact Sarah Wheatley in advance, to see if arrangements can be made.

If there is little snow, this event will proceed as a hike along the same route. Only in the event of extensive ice-covered areas would the event be postponed to February 22.

There is no cost for this event, but donations are always gratefully accepted.

Check our Facebook event page for updates on the event and additional information such as maps and trail details.

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